NEW VLAD.FINANCE Parntership & AMA at DeFi Trading

AfterLife Finance
12 min readApr 25, 2021


VLAD.Finance partners with STOS.Finance

STOS.Finance is a project which aims to bring real life NFTs to a yacht party. How? Basically STOS are the entry-ticket to the party. In fact they will host the Vladhalla Halloween party on October 31! Location to be announced.
It will be a BSC DeFi party like no other. Meet DeFi Vlad and other BSC devs, whales and other prominent BSC personalities. Be sure to check their website at

The partnership brings users the possibility to stake LP tokens and earn STOS in the following pools:


5% of the total STOS supply — 5000 STOS — were allocated among the mentioned pools.

The farming on these pools started just a couple of hours ago so head to to start farming STOS!

AMA with DeFi Trading

On the 23rd of April DeFi-Vlad, the Count himself, had an AMA at DeFi Trading. Below is the full transcription of it. Want to know more about the future plans and all the exciting stuff that will be going on? Give it a full read through it’s really worth it!

So let’s start with what is VLAD.FINANCE? Can you just give us a general idea what the project is about?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yeah, sure. So we are a Binance Smart Chain based NFT project, something similar to MEME on the Ethereum Chain if you are familiar with it.

Yes very familiar with it, one of the first NFT community driven projects on Ethereum.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
We are working towards being the premier dark arts house for NFT. Like MEME, we started as a meme and have grown into a vibrant community of NFT enthusiasts. We just do things a bit different, a bit darker.

Compared to MEME, they have a very wide variety of styles that are presented. Also the way the tokenomics works are quite different.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yes this is true. I only used MEME as a simple comparison to platform concept but in reality we are quite unique.
Our VLAD token is a reflect token that burns 2% of each transaction and then splits another 2% between all VLAD holders. Auto yield if you will.

Good points to bring up, very abstractly you are like MEME, but very different.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Our LIFE token which is used to mint the Genesis series of NFTs is also able to be traded unlike MEMEs Pineapple token. We thought this would make it more interesting for farmers, NFT collectors and also show artists why they should launch with us in the future.

This aspect compared to MEME is a really big difference, and a great benefit to the VLAD platform. I see it allows much more liquidity within the ecosystem.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yes. It allowed us to attract different types of users to VLAD also… traders, farmers, collectors, vampires

Yes, I see you used the yield farming and reflect token aspects to take attract from a diverse user base that added to the successful launch of VLAD.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yeah it’s been amazing. The NFT launch was incredible. The premium pieces sold out in minutes and for a lot of value!

Yes, very good launch, and also each phase of the launch starting from the begging with the reflect token VLAD.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
That too! It’s been quite the journey from a meme coin to an NFT platform, to farming LIFE to NFT launch and now VLAD 2.0 and afterLIFE

What is really interesting and exciting to see is the evolution of the token along with the platform, along with a good execution on progressing the protocol.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
It’s a lot more work than most people realise and I am so thankful and grateful to have an amazing team behind the project and countless community members who help out

I see the platform had various ways to acquire the NFTs. I think this brought a very unique experience and game theory behind getting each art piece. Can you talk more about this aspect of the marketplace and auction system on VLAD.FINANCE?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yeah ok let’s try to keep this simple without me sounding like a rambling madman

That’s for sure, the team is pretty amazing, and I’ve talked to a lot of them already and seen their work. Also the community is quite strong and the foundation of that community really does have diamond hands.

LOL deal, I know it’s a complex system, so try to keep it simple.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
We had 4 tiers NFTs:
BASE tier which had 3 low cost NFTs. We wanted to have these accessible to every supporter of the project. These all featured the meme that brought us where we are today… the very handsome Vlad Pepes Drakul.
The RARE tier started to feature other artists and was more limited… as a bit of upcoming info… this is the most farmers of v2 will want to have in their wallet 😉
The EPIC and LEGENDARY tier is where things got interesting. The EPIC tier was the first to feature a bonding curve on the pricing and also the first tier to feature art by well-known NFT artist Sushinobi. The bonding curve means that with each sale the next piece was more expensive. Also this is the tier that serious farmers of v2 will want to have to maximize their yield.
The LEGENDARY tier was super crazy. The bonding curve was like 38% increase in price and there were only a few of each piece and they sold out SO fast. The last ones going for $6000 usd each!

I can vouch for that, I spent quite a lot on a legendary lol

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Well then you know how crazy that hour was

I like how this bonding curve and also the more commons where just a pure sale as it allows a variety of buyers to get an NFT

Yeah super crazy hour LOL super fun and the artists loved it Can you elaborate how artists come onto the platform and some of the incentives around that.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
So the first version….we had to find and try to convince artists to come on board and support a new project… however the upcoming platform has a sustainable revenue model that will see a revenue split with the artists. Due to the success of the v1 sale we have been super lucky that awesome artists have reached out and wanted to launch collections with us. Including another round by Sushinobi doing something totally different!

This seems positive seeing outreach from artists now. NFTs really have opened up the flood gates for artists to allow them a fair share of their work, this is amazing.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
We have been getting various artists who do launches on Rarible and Opensea and foundry in a certain style and then wanting to come over and do more experimental stuff on VLAD.
Sushinobi is calling his series Sushinobi: After Dark.
Another artist known for more colorful fun works is excited to do a more darker side that he normally doesn’t get to express.

Nice, can’t wait! Do you plan to allow a feature to allow royalties for each NFT sold so that artists are rewarded in perpetuity?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
It’s wild but awesome… It’s gonna be super interesting to launch.
Yeah. So we are still looking at how the marketplace for VLAD on best practice for our artists and users but for sure we will make sure artists are compensated

Can you talk a little about version 2 of VLAD.FINANCE?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Of course. We are very excited about v2 of Vlad.

Me too, can’t wait :)

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
It will launch new long term farming, the v2 platform will feature a new token called afterLIFE and it has a tight multi-year emission schedule. It will feature a new NFT distribution model using loot boxes along with bonding curves. Also NFTs will now have value locked inside them… What I mean by this is that with each loot box sale, some of the aLIFE will be getting locked inside the NFT itself and the owner gets both. They can then burn that NFT to get their aLIFE back. Other portions of the sale will go to the artist and some to VLAD holders 👀 and some to the dev/treasury fund. So it’s going to be interesting and gamified again. You could end up with a more common NFT with a lot of aLIFE locked in or vice versa.

Very nice, seems very interesting mechanics and incentives look well aligned.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Oh and to even get into v2 farming you will need 1 genesis NFT in your wallet

I am sure you spent a lot of time with tokenomics and aligning incentives

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
SOOO much… and really I can’t take the credit for the great tokenomics on v2. One of our admin has spent a lot of time and brain power mapping out all sorts of models, not sure he wants to be singled out but he deserves to take a bow.

Well whoever it was, I can tell that it’s been well thought out.

Can you reveal some artist and the ways that they are on boarded?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yes so like I said Sushinobi is back for another series and I’m working with an artist named Probcause for another collection. He’s well known in the scene with a big following… he is known for his loosies collection of abstract portraits. I have no idea what he is making for VLAD but I am excited to find out.
As for onboarding, yeah…that’s also fun…we spend a lot of time reaching out to artists but mostly we end up getting introductions from other artists or community members. Later today I’m hoping to get on a call with another artist. They just finished developing an indie game and I’m going to try to see if we can launch some of the game art as a collection. I think stuff like that would be super fun for both of our communities, and that introduction came from a VLAD holder… the community is really amazing!

I see the BSC ecosystem really taking off and that includes NFTs and NFT platforms, can you share your method to stay competitive or will make your stand out. I see a lot of NFT mining and farming platforms now since you have launched.

[Question from DeFi Trading group member]
Any new good farms coming up?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yeah! VLAD 2.0 Ser! We have been thinking about that a lot, I mean it’s becoming a cookie cutter standard now right? BSC farm with an AMM and NFT farm named after an animal or food item. We want to make sure we are not that. That’s why we built an artist launchpad to collaborate with artists. That’s why are staying in the dark art, sci-fi, mystical and the strange. We wanted to do our NFTs differently than others also. I think we will always try to innovate how to present dark NFT art.

I know you where the very first NFT platform to have a reflect token, yield farming, and minting of NFTs. But since then many have forked you and copied your project. They can’t fork this yet, this is good. From what I see that shows the success and the foundation you have built, but v2 is really a big evolution of the initial launch.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yeah… like SATAN coin… and then they messaged me to partner haha… they even ripped off our old website and our code.

[Question from DeFi Trading group member]
Great work! Do you have any upcoming collaborations with other projects? Tao and Supra was a success, and I guess brought a lot of attention

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yes! There are more collabs with unlaunched projects coming up and also with some projects we couldn’t partner with before on VLAD token which will now make sense with aLIFE.

I think based from what you said on how v2 works you will have lots of artist wanting to get listed on the platform and also a good way to buy and resell the NFTs.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Correct. That is our plan

Have you had any chance to integrate into an Opensea type platform that aggregates NFTs?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Not yet…not from lack of effort. They have all had issues on launch… here is the thing… having a mint and resell feature on NFT platform is one thing… but an open market like Opensea that’s way more difficult. So I understand all the issues these platforms are having, and there are tons of them popping up… I think we will see like 10 up and running within a month. Will be interesting to see who gets the users

From what I understand this is not your product market fit, you are not trying to compete in any of these NFT aggregators.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Not at all. I want to be the arthouse, work with cool artists, get them minted on BSC and then have them trade wherever they want.

Ideally you would like to be a premier NFT auction house that gets featured on the premiere NFT aggregator.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
That is more our fit…

From the way the NFT auction house works, will the artist get royalties from their NFTs?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
So from our sales yes and then most secondary markets also give royalty to the creator.

Nice, this is a real game changer from creators and also resellers if that’s available to do on a secondary market. I am very bullish on NFTs because of features like this and the VLAD platform

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
I’m bullish on NFT as a technology for artist copyright and royalties but also beyond the scope of art

Yes, I see NFTs as a tool for tokenizing anything and everything in very unique way that could help align the proper incentives for a very robust and progressive ecosystem. I think we are just scratching the surface to everything that is possible with NFTs

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yes. Just wait until we get a platform like Instagram but each post is a selfie NFT.

It’s literally a multi trillion dollar economy. At the infancy of this technology we are already getting huge interest from people like Mr. Beast and Mark Cuban getting very involved with NFTs and the picks and shovels of this evolving ecosystem.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
I believe Mr. Cuban himself is working on a NFT version of Instagram

Yeah I seen various projects he’s been involved with. One that I saw many investors flock to was $MEME. Amazing since it started as a community project, that’s the power I see behind decentralized networks

@DeFiVlad it was awesome to have you here talk about what VLAD.FINANCE is and where the future of it is going.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Always a pleasure to talk to you

Would you like to leave some last words here for anyone to know about VLAD.FINANCE or anything else?

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Yes… Thanks to all our supporters. Just a little more patience so we can finish building, then you can all go back to aping the new farms. This time they will run for a long time so long term supporters can use it as passive yield to support us and the artists.

Sounds good man, I really can’t wait to jump into those farms again.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
I think everyone is ready for v2

Soon the ETA is soon and I see a lot of development behind the scenes so that’s good to hear.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Make sure to get those base and rare NFTs while we are in the crypto dip.

Ok man, thank you so much for being here. I can’t wait to see the launch of v2. Just remembering how v1 went, I really can’t wait :)

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
I’m sure there will be a price spike again once we announce v2 dates and everyone is going to complain they are too expensive… so get them now.
Thanks for having me and I’ll be back before v2!

Yeah I remembered lol, it’s been a roller coaster that’s for sure, but man the ride has been amazing so far, just waiting for v2 now.

[DeFi Vlad — Head of Vlad.Finance]
Oh and by the way…..our admin M-Dot is the man behind the tokenomics. He gave the ok to mention him and he deserves the credit, he is so smart!
Thanks again for having me and see you soon!



AfterLife Finance
AfterLife Finance

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